NIC Code For Udyam Registration - MSME

NIC Code For Udyam Registration - MSME

In the ever-changing world of Indian entrepreneurship, Udyam Registration is essential for firms to legalize and simplify.

This registration relies on the National Industrial Classification (NIC) code, which classifies and organizes the nation's numerous commercial operations.

The NIC code is essential for Udyam Registration since it offers a uniform structure for government documents and assists entrepreneurs in classifying their company activity. So, let’s learn more about the NIC code for udyam registration in the article below.

Understanding the Udyam Registration NIC Code

The National Industrial Classification Code (NIC code) categorizes all Indian economic operations. The government needs this categorization to keep correct records and administer economic and regulatory policies efficiently.

A hierarchy of sections, divisions, groups, classes, and subclasses organizes the NIC code. Each level of the hierarchy describes company activities more precisely, helping entrepreneurs choose the best categorization.

The largest level of the NIC code, sections, covers agriculture, industry, construction, and services. These categories include divisions that categorize business operations more specifically. Division 69 covers “Legal Activities,” whereas Division 46 covers “Wholesale Trade, Except for Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles.”

Navigating Udyam Registration NIC Code

NIC code for udyam registration identifies the right business activity and ensures correct and up-to-date registration.

Getting the right NIC code for your organization takes some study and insight. You may look for the right NIC code for your firm using the Udyam portal's easy interface.

Using the Udyam website's NIC code booklet search feature is efficient. Type in terms relating to your company to rapidly find the division, group, class, and subclass that matches your operations.

If you operate a legal services firm, check the NIC code guide for “legal”. This leads you to Division 69, which details “Legal Activities,” including the exact commercial operations that fall under this categorization.

If you can't discover a direct match for your firm, try exploring the larger areas, such as Section G, which includes “Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles.” Divisions for wholesale and retail trade enable you to choose the best activity categorization.

Why Accurate NIC Code Selection Matters?

The correct NIC code list is vital for Udyam Registration since it categorizes your company operations and has far-reaching ramifications.

  • First, the government needs the NIC code to keep detailed records and data on corporate activity nationwide. Policymaking, resource allocation, and industry-specific assistance programs require this information.
  • Second, the NIC code affects eligibility for government programs, incentives, and subsidies. Correct NIC code selection may influence whether a firm qualifies for schemes suited to certain commercial activity.
  • The NIC code is also needed for business establishment with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and other regulatory and compliance requirements, as well as Udyam Registration.

Requirements for NIC code

Some of the requirements for NIC code for udyam registration:

  • Economic activity's impact on national wealth is measured by this statistical criterion.
  • It classifies economically engaged persons, industrial output and distribution information, and national income.
  • Many government agencies, business groups, and scholars utilize it for administrative, analytical, and research reasons.
  • Such categorization aid national economic policy and worldwide comparability.
  • This is necessary for government registrations like Udyam.

How does NIC Code affect MSME Udyog Aadhaar registration?

MSME Udyog Aadhaar registration requires NIC. One must provide an Aadhar card number, entrepreneur and enterprise name, business kind, MSME Unit operations, phone number, postal address, bank data, and NIC Code.

MSME business operations may be classified using the NIC Code. Two- to three-digit codes indicate business groups, four-digit codes represent classes, and five-digit codes represent subclasses.

Retailer NIC Code

Retailers have two-digit NIC codes that vary per firm.

Trading Business NIC Code

Trading business NIC codes are two-digit numbers provided to the GoI to govern the company. The Indian government must regulate businesses via Udyog Aadhar to enable merchants to get loans and other incentives in the MSME sector.

Hardware Business NIC Code

NIC codes for this firm are generally 5-digit numbers like 47523, 47524, etc.

Car Repair NIC Code

The 5-digit NIC Code for automobile repair and maintenance is accessible at It is vital to note that the Indian government provides these codes to support MSME firms.

Import-Export NIC Code

MSME medium sector organizations need import-export NIC Codes. These companies need import and export functions, which may be handled under a national industry code. The code is on Remember that MSME companies pay reduced import and export taxes.

Mobile Repair Shop NIC Code

Mobile repair shop NIC codes are readily discovered on Mobile repair businesses are mainly hardware or hardware maintenance shops.

Structure of NIC Code

The hierarchical NIC code for udyam registration defines economic activity precisely. Businesses and subsectors are readily grouped using this tiered system. The categorizing levels are:

  • Sections: Large groupings representing key economic sectors including industry, services, and farms. One letter represents a segment.
  • Division: For further information, divisions indicate major groupings within each section. Two-digit codes indicate divisions.
  • Groupings: List segment industries. Three-digit codes identify groups.
  • Classes: Detail each group's duties. Class is indicated by four-digit numerals.
  • Sub-classes: The most thorough categorization of sub-classes lists class duties. Five-digit codes identify subclasses.

A Step-by-Step Guide to NIC Code Selection

Classifying a firm and collecting advantages requires a suitable NIC code. Step-by-step guide to choosing the proper company NIC code from the NIC list:

  • Choose a NIC code based on your core business activity.
  • Enter keywords relating to your core company to discover numbers.
  • After finding NIC numbers, relate them to your company. Check the claims to ensure they accurately describe your company.
  • Consult a professional or MSME aid center for NIC code selection.
  • Choose additional NIC codes for your business's most crucial secondary activities. This displays how your company functions overall.
  • Make sure your NIC numbers fit your firm before finishing. Check your benefits and program eligibility if you are misclassified.


Division 01 Crop and animal production, hunting, and related service activities
Group 011 Growing of non-perennial crops
Group 012 Growing perennial crops
Group 013 Plant propagation
Group 014 Animal production
Group 015 Mixed farming
Group 143 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
Division 15 Manufacture of leather and related products
Group 151 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur
Group 152 Manufacture of footwear
Division 16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
Group 161 Sawmilling and planning of wood
Group 162 Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw, and plaiting materials
Division 17 Manufacture of paper and paper products
Group 170 Manufacture of paper and paper products
Division 18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media
Group 181 Printing and service activities related to printing
Group 182 Reproduction of recorded media
Division 19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
Group 191 Manufacture of coke oven products
Group 192 Manufacture of refined petroleum products
Division 20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
Group 201 Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizer and nitrogen compounds, plastics, and synthetic rubber in primary forms
Group 202 Manufacture of other chemical products
Group 203 Manufacture of man-made fibers
Division 21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals, and botanical products
Group 210 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals, and botanical products
Group 151 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur
Group 152 Manufacture of footwear
Division 16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
Group 161 Sawmilling and planning of wood
Division 22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products
Group 221 Manufacture of rubber products
Group 222 Manufacture of plastics products
Division 23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
Group 231 Manufacture of glass and glass products
Group 239 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
Division 24 Manufacture of basic metals
Group 241 Manufacture of basic iron and steel
Group 242 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
Group 243 Casting of metals
Division 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Group 251 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs, and steam generators
Group 252 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
Group 259 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activities
Group 105 Manufacture of dairy products
Group 106 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches, and starch products
Group 107 Manufacture of other food products
Group 108 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
Division 11 Manufacture of beverages
Group 110 Manufacture of beverages
Division 26 Manufacture of computer, electronic, and optical products
Group 261 Manufacture of electronic components
Group 262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
Group 272 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
Group 210 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals, and botanical products
Division 22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products
Group 221 Manufacture of rubber products
Group 222 Manufacture of plastics products
Division 23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
Group 231 Manufacture of glass and glass products
Group 239 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
Division 24 Manufacture of basic metals
Group 241 Manufacture of basic iron and steel
Group 242 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
Group 243 Casting of metals
Division 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Group 251 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs, and steam generators
Group 252 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
Group 259 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activities
Division 26 Manufacture of computer, electronic, and optical products
Group 261 Manufacture of electronic components
Group 262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
Group 263 Manufacture of communication equipment
Group 264 Manufacture of consumer electronics
Group 265 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating, and control equipment; watches and clocks
Group 273 Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices
Group 274 Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
Group 275 Manufacture of domestic appliances
Group 279 Manufacture of other electrical equipment
Division 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
Group 281 Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
Group 282 Manufacture of special-purpose machinery
Division 29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
Group 291 Manufacture of motor vehicles
Group 292 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers
Group 293 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
Division 30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Group 301 Building of ships and boats
Group 302 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
Group 303 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
Group 304 Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
Group 309 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c.
Division 31 Manufacture of furniture
Group 310 Manufacture of furniture
Division 32 Other manufacturing
Group 321 Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie, and related articles
Group 322 Manufacture of musical instruments
Group 323 Manufacture of sports goods
Group 324 Manufacture of games and toys
Group 325 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
Group 329 Other manufacturing n.e.c.
Section I Accommodation and Food service activities
Division 55 Accommodation
Group 582 Software publishing
Division 59 Motion picture, video, and television program production, sound recording, and music publishing activities
Group 591 Motion picture, video, and television programme activities
Group 592 Sound recording and music publishing activities
Group 231 Manufacture of glass and glass products
Group 239 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
Division 24 Manufacture of basic metals
Group 241 Manufacture of basic iron and steel
Group 231 Manufacture of glass and glass products
Group 239 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
Division 24 Manufacture of basic metals
Group 241 Manufacture of basic iron and steel
Group 242 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
Group 243 Casting of metals
Division 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Group 242 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
Group 243 Casting of metals
Division 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Division 60 Broadcasting and programming activities
Group 981 Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for their own use
Group 982 Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for their own use
SECTION U Activities Of Extraterritorial Organizations And Bodies
Division 99 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Group 990 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

Udyam Registration Steps

Udyam Aadhar free registration may be accomplished by following these steps:

  • Please visit
  • Please ensure that all necessary details are filled out on the Registration Form.
  • Before submitting, review the form.
  • The site will specify how to pay the registration cost.

Udyam Registration Certificates are given when the verification procedure is finished. The email address you provided will be used to send this certificate.


The NIC code list is essential to Udyam Registration since it classifies India's different commercial operations. Entrepreneurs may confidently complete Udyam Registration, accurately categorize their businesses, and gain lucrative prospects and advantages by knowing the NIC code.

Entrepreneurs must be updated about the NIC code list and its modifications to stay compliant, adapt to shifting trends, and capitalize on emerging possibilities in the dynamic entrepreneurial environment as the Indian business landscape evolves.

Rajan, From Indore

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